Using a credit card to pay for your wedding expenses is a great idea. You can’t conveniently carry loads of cash while shopping for your wedding. So, a credit card comes in handy to facilitate all financial transactions for that big day.
Here are five reasons to use a credit card to finance your wedding expenditures.
#1 – Choose a Credit Card That Excludes Some Charges
Prefer to use credit cards with the following facilities to pay for your wedding expenses:
Zero annual fees
A free credit card has no annual maintenance fees for letting you use it. Even better, a lifetime free credit card never charges this fee. So, using the latter to pay for your wedding expenses is better. Zero annual fees can reduce credit card dues and help you clear the bill faster.
No over-the-limit fees
You usually have to spend a lot on your marriage. So, it’s good to use a credit card that won’t charge you when you use it for payments beyond the assigned limit.
No cash advance fees
Some unplanned offline expenses may pop up on a wedding day, and you can’t avoid them. Then, use a credit card offering interest-free cash withdrawals. So, you won’t be charged for drawing cash using the card.
#2 – Pick a Low-Interest Credit Card
Consider using a credit card with the lowest interest rate to pay for your wedding expenditures. Such a credit card will ensure minimal finance charges on the dues, so you can clear the balance faster and spend freely on your special day without any worries.
#3 – Use a Rewards Credit Card
It’s a good idea to use a rewards credit card with the following benefits to finance your wedding expenditures:
- Up to 10X reward points, including gifts and cashback, to help reduce the expense burden.
- The reward points do not expire, so you can accumulate them all and use them for your wedding-related expenses.
- Zero redemption fees are charged for using the rewards to reduce the overall dues.
#4 – Avail of Suitable Offers at Partner Merchants
Apply for a credit card that offers excellent deals on various shopping categories in association with multiple merchants.
This can discount certain purchases as follows related to your wedding:
- Buying a branded wedding suit, Hotel bookings (especially for a destination wedding), Purchasing designer wedding jewelry, Buying branded kitchen sets, Purchasing ethnic wedding footwear like jutis
#5 – Get Loan Against Your Credit Card
You may feel that the offered line of credit isn’t enough to finance the enormous expenses for the big day. Then, it’s best to take a loan against your card. You can slowly pay it back in EMIs within the given repayment tenure. Just learn the interest and processing fees charged for this facility. Also, check if any cashback percentage is offered on your first EMI transaction.
With a credit card, you can not only pay your wedding expenses smartly. You can even track them on the card statement for